Brave Bunnies

A lovely lady once reached out to me and began to open up about how her precious little girl had lost her hair following her chemotherapy sessions. As her daughter’s hair began to grow back, this amazing Mummy had told her that every night a Fairy comes, bringing with her new strands of hair with each visit.

This is when I first realised that these images can be used for so much more than novelty. These images can communicate to a child, who is perhaps having a hard time, that this world is still very much a place of wonder, despite the struggles that they may be facing.
Whether a child has been taken ill, broken a bone, lost a loved one or struggling to adjust to a new setting, I believe these images can really help to reopen a magical doorway within their mind, where they can find comfort and feel as though they are being watched over.

If you know of a brave little Bunny out there who would love a visit from the healing fairy, Please, I implore you, get in touch, regardless of financial restraints. Families that find themselves in times of struggle often find that it has a knock-on effect on financial matters, and I would hate for price to become an issue.

In an ideal world I would love to offer these to all children in need, but then again in an ideal world there would be no children in need…
So, I will therefore be offering a limited number of these artworks each month, free of charge, for those most in need. All that I ask is for your honest judgement and also your understanding that if you reach out, I may not be able to include you in that month’s offer.

If you are in a position to/would like to purchase this package this will free up spaces for other children in need.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out, this is not a totally selfless act on my part as I also get a great deal of happiness & fulfilment in helping children in this way, it also serves as a great reminder for me personally to count my blessings in that I have two strong, healthy little boys myself. xx