About Me

Love… It’s the magical force that knows no limits, a realization that struck me profoundly when “Sleeping Bunnies” came to life!

Every chat I have, whether with parents, grandparents, or friends, shows me the lengths we’ll go for our little ones. That wide-eyed wonder on a child’s face is priceless! This pure, selfless love drives everything we do.

Listening to your heartwarming stories of family traditions and fantastical tales passed down through the ages, I feel honored to breathe life into these wonders! Playing a tiny role in nurturing your child’s imagination, where unicorns prance and fairies frolic, is beyond my wildest dreams!

In my twenties, my passion for art led me down amazing paths, from crafting props for movies to guiding vulnerable kids in expressing themselves through art. Art was my everything… until life spun me in a new direction, closing that colorful chapter.

In 2013, after a rollercoaster of fertility treatments, I was blessed with my son, Noah – a masterpiece beyond compare!

(And in 2018, little Sören completed our art gallery!) Ah, parenthood – all-consuming in the best way possible! My art took a back seat as I embraced the whirlwind of raising my little pixies.

SLeeping Bunnies we
Sleeping Bunnies Animation 2
Sleeping Bunnies Animation 1

My mom is an amazing artist but sadly set it aside after having children, so I gave into the notion that the same would happen to me. Fast forward to 2018, and I was knee-deep in chaos-raising two wild boys, who brought joy and carnage in equal measure! Then, in November 2020, the universe decided to be my fairy godmother! When my son lost a tooth, I sketched a little tooth fairy on his pillow. I posted it online, thinking nothing of it, and suddenly, orders poured in and I was back in the art game!

“Sleeping Bunnies” was born and I’ve been transporting your little folks into a whimsical world ever since! I am so incredibly grateful for the love and support and overjoyed at the chance to get back into my art!